I thought Buffy was in the supernatural/fantasy category not Sci-fi. That why people always compare Buffy to The Vampire Diaries. Which there's no comparisons because Buffy rocked!
I can actually pull up the ratings for you. BATB 800k viewers .2 demo 18-49, HOD around the same viewers .23 demo, TTP 1 million viewers .4 demo and before they moved it to Monday it was doing 1.6 million on Wednesday. Those two shows are on the decline and the CW has been highly criticized for renewing BATB the first time! If you have a high production show doing good. You don't move it to the competitive Monday night line up. BATB or HOD wouldn't even come close to doing as good as TTP on Mondays let along any night.
Way to use the rating system CW. The Tomorrow people had better numbers then Beauty and the beast and Heart of Dixie and yet they get renewed!